Rangeley Water District

Rangeley, Maine

Our Story

We are the Rangeley Water District, providing clean, affordable drinking water and fire protection to Rangeley, Maine and the surounding areas. Contact us to see how we improve the lives of our customers every day!

About Us

The Rangeley Water District was chartered by the state of Maine in 1992, but was founded as the Rangeley Water Company in 1905. Countless updates have been made since the water system's humble beginnings, including many sections of ductile iron pipe, valves, hydrants, and meters. The most significant improvements were made in 1997, with the inclusion and installation of a new gravel packed well, miles of new transmission lines, and a 500,000 gallon concrete reservoir.

For the last twenty plus years, the District has been able to deliver exceptional water, to a wonderful community and its visitors.

COVID-19 Response

The District understands the enormous risks and hardships posed by the current pandemic and is doing everything possible to protect our employees, customers, and the community. As such, we appreciate your understanding as some of our policies, procedures, and hours of operations have been altered to reflect our ever changing situation. Please reach out to us for more details.

Customer Service

We have a staff of five great employees who are here to help you recieve exceptional service. Some of the more important documents related to your service and interaction with the District can be found below. As usual, feel free to reach out to us for more details or with questions.

Please click the documents below to view, download, or print a copy.


Water Rates

App for Service

X-Conn Program

Water Quality

Questions about your water, its quality, whether it's safe to drink, and more? We've got you covered. We are required to complete a Consumer Confidence Report each year and we are well within the norms set.

Feel free to check out the CCR's for Rangeley Water District (RWD) and Oquossoc Standard Water System (OSWD) below!

Frequently Asked Questions

Please see some of our more frequently asked questions below. If you have more questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Rangeley Water District’s water is sourced from 2 Gravel packed wells located in Dallas Plt. In what is referred to as the Dallas Esker. This Aquifer is shared by Poland Springs. This location is the sole source for Poland Springs “Origins.”

Please see our CCR for more information.

Please see our rates document for more information.

Board of Trustees

Rangeley Water District is overseen by a five (5) member board composed of industry professionals and local citizens just like you: Chris Farmer (Chair), Keith Savage (Clerk), Thomas Haggan (Treasurer), George Roth, and Michael Flewelling.

Our meetings are public and held on the fourth (4th) Tuesday of each month at 5PM. Reach out to us if you'd like to attend. You can view or download our most recent meeting minutes below:

© 2025, Rangeley Water District. All Rights Reserved. Website by Tom's Water Solutions